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Values Line

The Values Line is the means of reporting confidential and anonymous notifications established by Serviacero so that employees, clients, and suppliers can report dishonest behaviors that go against our company's values.

 We have two anonymous communication channels:

800 and 1 local phone numbers

And of course, e-mail

Serviacero Comercial
Serviacero Worthington
Serviacero Especiales
Serviacero Electroforjado
Serviacero Tubulares
Serviacero ORBIS

We have an Ethics Committee responsible for receiving, analyzing, directing, and following up on investigations into notifications of Serviacero personnel's actions that may be contrary to the values mentioned here:

Notifications should be made to the phone numbers mentioned here, and a representative of the Values Committee will take your notification, and if deemed necessary, an in-person appointment will be arranged.

The corresponding investigation will be carried out to identify situations or behaviors that go against Serviacero's values and that affect our employees, suppliers, or clients.

Remember that:

• All notifications received will be managed and handled confidentially.

• Your report will be anonymous if you wish to remain so.

• All reports must be substantiated, and notifications made in bad faith and without basis will not be accepted.

• In the event that your notification represents a safety issue, corrective action will be taken immediately. If the law is being broken in any way and the investigation confirms it, you will be asked to cooperate with the corresponding authorities and procedures.

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